Hi my beautiful ladies here's the post of my Mac jeanious collection that i bought couple of months back, hope u would like the selection of items i purchased :)

Overdyed Blush

The first one is a heavier swatch and the second is the blended version

Biker Blue nail polish

Hi lovelies,  i am kinda of late for this post but anyways i'll still post it. :)
Here is Mac Wonder woman swatches.

Mac Wonder Woman Valiant palette

Spitfire Lipstick - Satin

Sipping Transformation - Frost
Diana undercover -Satin
Valiant - Frost
Manila Paper - Velux Pearl

Emancipation Lipglass

I really love this collection, especially the eyeshadows are really pigmented and gorgeous.
I have done a green smokey eye look with this palette too, i've uploaded that a while ago on my youtube channel, here's the link to it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUBbwEPHNeY.
Hope you guys liked it!

x x x

Hi darling, i know probably i'm too late for this post... wot to do?!.... got caught btw some stuff. Anyways i hope u all are doing well. This is just a post of the swatches of the previous mac collection, which is Mac Mickey contractor.

I hope u r alright with this now ;)
I'll be back with another post of the new collection tom ...til thn tkc darlings!
x x x 
Hi lovely ladies, it's a been a while since my last post... i hope all is well with everyone! I'm going thru the nail polish phase at the moment.... i'm purchasing atleast 1 nail polish per day and also going crazy with the colours ! lol. I'm absolutely loving each and every colour. I 've posted some pics of the colours and i hope u'll like them too!

This  is from Rimmel, it's called Beige Babe.

This is from Barry M and it's called Indigo
 I might try some marbling and nail art next week.

That's all for todae....will be back with more soon...till thn tkc!
x x x

Hi lovely ladies, how is everyone... hope u all r doing good! Well here i am with the MMC collection, this collection came out some early january and i was one of the first few to rush off the store immediately to purchase these....didn't wanna miss out on this collection.

The Quad Athma
Colours from L to R:
Jaan (LE), Folie (PL)
Vivah (LE), Carbon (PL)
Jaan does have quite a bit of fall out when applied and because it has glitters/Shimmers in it there is a tendancy to spread across the face if not careful with the application.

These are the single eyeshadow pots from the same collection, they are such an intense....highly pigmented.... gorgeous...gorgeous colours, i absolutely love them!

I also bought a pigment for the Tartan tale collection, it's magnificant dark green with lighter green microshimmers...... i really cn't find the right words to describe this colour.....it's such a rich colour

It's called Moonlight Night

And i also bought a paint pot for the Cham Pale collection, off white with gold shimmers.

Hope u ladies liked my post and till nxt time tkc.
x x x
Hi lovely ladies....it's been a while since my last post, i have been extremely busy with work, uni and exams. After 3 stressful weeks....finally i got some 'MY TIME'. So today it's gonna be a post of all the shopping i've done so far (dec-jan).... Hope u'll like it!

This i got at the tartan mill souvenir shop just outside the Edinburgh Castle. This shawl is 100% Lambswool and it's from the Memorial Diana Rose collection, it's a baby pink shawl with baby blue n black tartan designs on it.....such a lovely piece....!

This is another piece i got from the place called Lochmere.....it's where the Lochmere monster is! This design kinda reminds me of the burberry designs, but this isn't burberry....just a n ordinary one....100% Cashmere... it's so soft and beautiful.

These were the other souvenirs i bought back home, the last pic.....it's the Lochmere monste! : )

I also went the the MAC in Edinburgh and bought a few products.

Modesty lipstick, Cremesheen......lovely pinkish colour, looks really gorgeous on indian skin tone/tanned/darker skin.

Blush, Peachtwist... repurchasing this one..... my favourite blush...gives a peachy...coral..... natural glow to the cheeks..... perfect for everday use too.
I also bought a Lipglass, Nymphette, unforunately the package was defective. It had a crack on the tube through which the gloss was seeping out. I didn 't check the package when i was purchasing it ... it was only after reaching back home i realised this, so i called the Sheffield mac to ask if i cld exchange the product in the local store but they refused to, thus had to call the Consumer care .... they said they will send me a new one, so sweet. SO , my advice is always check the package there n then just to be on the safe side.

That's all for this post, the next one would be on the New Mac Mickey Contractor Collection...wait up..till tkc lovelies!
x x x